KEHU (Finnish for praise) is a completely free service available to everyone, in which you can send, receive and collect positive feedback. Listing positive feedback allows you to get a concrete idea of your skills and strengths. Furthermore, the service offers an easy way for you to spread good vibes. The service is personal, and the content you add is not visible to others.
The positive feedback you have received or listed in KEHU generates simple statistics you can utilise when applying for a job or in performance appraisals. Add your skills and strengths to your job application or CV or mention the feedback you have received in a job interview!
You can never praise others enough. Praise your team members or colleagues for a job well done to spread positive energy and create a great atmosphere in your work community. Giving positive feedback is easy. All you need is the email address of the person you want to praise.
As you know your strengths, you may utilise them when you're applying for a job or in performance appraisals.